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Search Results For: stable
Rooker Training Stable
Specializing in all facets of training including Western, English, Park, Halter, and Driving. Also offering youth and amateur program. Standing AA Apollo Bey. In Fenton.

Majesty Arabians and Storrmy's Stable
Sahanad Preservation farm. Stands black stallion at stud. Includes sales list, photos, and profiles of horses. Offers handmade foal halters for sale. Located in Cedar Hill.

Jessica Cole Training Stables
South-central Wisconsin stable offering training, lessons, showing, and sales geared toward the Class A, Regional, and National Arabian show horse. Pleasure and breeding stock also available.

Blue Bonnet Stables
Located in Huffman, Texas. Offering gentle and well gaited blue papered trail geldings for sale. Buckskins, blue roan, smokey black. Includes a pictorial review of a past breeding clinic.

Alford Stables
Buffalo, Missouri breeder standing several sires including Traveler's Red Alert and Bronze Pride. Stallion photos, pedigrees and show records, plus an overview of the farm's breeding program.

Moundsview Stables, LLC
Stands bay tobiano stallion at stud. Includes sales list, description of services, profiles of horses, and photos. Offers boarding and training. Located in Hudson.

Painted Barr Farm
Standing perlino tobiano and cremello overo stallions at stud. Includes sales list, photos, and profiles of horses. Offers boarding, lessons, and trail riding. Located in Burdett.

Painted Acre Stables
Standing sorrel tobiano and perlino quarter horse at stud. Includes sales list, photos, and profiles of horses. Offers stud services, training, and boarding. Offers equine appraisal service, training, and boarding. Located in Ellinwood.

Double J Stable
Standing classic stallions at stud. Includes sales list, photos, and profiles of horses. Provides boarding and training. Offers Australian Shepherd puppies for sale. Located in Bonneville, Kentucky, United States.

Howard Stables
Miniature horse training facility, also exhibit and promote of Shetland, Hackney, and Pinto ponies. Details of facilities and services,and stock for sale. Beaverton, Oregon, United States.

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